If you’ve ever been to a doctor’s office, you know that the air quality is pretty bad. That’s because doctors’ offices are basically like hospitals—people come in all the time with contagious diseases, and then they leave behind germs on their surfaces. Luckily, there are some easy ways to improve your workplace’s air quality without investing in a bunch of expensive new equipment:

Besides making employees sick, poor air quality can also cause fatigue, headaches and irritability.
All of these factors can take their toll on employee productivity. In fact, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) estimates that poor indoor air quality costs employers more than $20 billion per year in absenteeism and medical expenses related to health problems caused by exposure to indoor pollutants.
In addition to being a drain on your employee’s health and well-being, sick days cost your company money as well! It is estimated that each employee who takes an average two sick days per year costs an employer approximately $770 in lost productivity. If you want to reduce this number and increase productivity within your organization then you need to improve workplace air quality through some simple steps:
• Invest in an HVAC system that has been designed for optimal comfort for everyone
• Maintain your HVAC system regularly so it runs at peak efficiency
Use E1 Board for all your office woodworks

We use wood in our office to build furniture, cabinets, shelves and floor underlays. But did you know that most of these products contain formaldehyde, a carcinogen?
Wood is a material used in many parts of the office. It contains particles that are bound together by adhesives like glue. These glues are made from formaldehyde-based resins, which are commonly found in particle boards and plywood.
Formaldehyde is a reactive compound that has several technical and chemical applications. It is used in the manufacture of wood adhesives and can cause cancer to live tissues. It can cause cancer when inhaled over a long period of time or when it comes into direct contact with human skin.
To reduce formaldehyde emission, many countries have set a limit on the amount of formaldehyde that can be emitted from wood-based panels. In 2000, the European Panel Industry set a series of standards to regulate the emission of formaldehyde from wood-based panels. Accordingly, depending upon the amount of formaldehyde emitted by these panels, they are commonly classified into two different grades – E1 or E2.
The level of formaldehyde emission equal or less than 0.07 ppm is considered safe by the European regulatory authority. This standard should be a considerable matter of concern for all because it has a strong impact on the health of the end consumers. It is therefore essential that any furniture you purchase is crafted with materials that are E1-certified and compatible with this standard.
Clean the ductwork and HVAC unit.
The HVAC system can also be a source of dust, mold, and other allergens. To clean the HVAC unit:
• Cleaning or replacing filters regularly helps to keep dust and other allergens out of your work environment.
• Have a professional clean the ductwork regularly (at least once every three years). This will ensure that no large chunks of debris are blocking air flow through the system, which could lead to overheating or reduced efficiency.
To clean the HVAC unit itself:
• Never use harsh chemicals – they might damage sensitive parts in your equipment! Instead, opt for an environmentally friendly cleaner made specifically for this purpose like Eco-Friendly Air Duct Cleaner from BioFresh Air Duct Cleaning Services LLC . It’s safe for both humans and pets alike since it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals such as ammonia or bleach (which can be harmful if inhaled). Because this product contains no toxic components whatsoever you don’t have anything to worry about when using it around people either – just make sure everyone stays clear while it’s being sprayed because even though there aren’t any harmful fumes released while spraying this stuff onto surfaces they should still avoid breathing them in just in case!
Open windows or use fans to improve airflow
When the weather allows, open the windows and let fresh air circulate through your workspace. Fans can help with this as well if you don’t have access to an open window. In addition, make sure that doors are closed when rooms are not in use so that stagnant air doesn’t linger inside them (or outside).
• Turn off lights and electronics when not in use. Turning off lights will reduce your energy costs and prevent unnecessary heating/cooling costs associated with running those lights all day long! This goes for electronics too—turn them off when they aren’t being used so that you’re not wasting power unnecessarily.
Use dehumidifiers or humidifiers to improve humidity levels.
Humidity levels play a role in workplace air quality. You may have heard that your office should have a humidity level of 40-60%, but what does this mean? And how do you know if you are in the right range?
Most of us don’t think about humidity unless it is too dry or too wet, but there are different ranges for comfort and productivity. For example, very low humidity levels (less than 30%) can cause dry skin, itchy eyes and other problems like static electricity; while high humidity levels (more than 60%) can cause mold growth, mildew and other issues like respiratory illness.
The best way to measure relative humidity is by using a hygrometer or an electronic indoor/outdoor thermometer with a built-in hygrometer—but if those aren’t available at your office then just check the local weather report for current conditions before making any changes!
Use HEPA filters on vacuum cleaners and air conditioners to catch smaller particles that may be missed by regular filters.
Avoid using regular filters on your vacuum and air conditioning system. HEPA, or high-efficiency particulate air filters, trap particles down to 0.3 microns in size. This means that they’re actually capable of catching smaller dirt and dust particles than the standard 1-micron filter found in most vacuums and AC units.
If you want to improve workplace air quality but don’t want to spend a ton of money on new equipment, here are a couple tips:
• Use HEPA filters on your vacuum cleaners and air conditioners instead of regular ones
• You can clean them with a shop vac or another powerful vacuum cleaner
Sick days cost a lot of money, so it’s worth it to take some extra steps to improve your office’s air quality if you have a large staff.
Every year, the average company loses $1,857 per employee due to sick days. If you have a large staff, this adds up quickly. The U.S. economy loses roughly $225 billion a year due to sick days—and it doesn’t stop there. Poor air quality in the workplace can cause headaches, fatigue and irritability in employees which leads to increased absences from work or decreased productivity while at work
Overall, improving air quality in your office should be a priority for any business owner. It’s important to remember that if you’re struggling with this issue, it’s not just about making your employees feel better—it’s also about increasing productivity and reducing costs. Implementing these tips isn’t necessarily difficult or time-consuming (though they do require some planning), but they can make a big difference in the long run by helping keep everyone healthy and happy at work!