Category Archives: Blog

Create An Inspiring Home Office During Lockdown

Create An Inspiring Home Office During Lockdown Good lighting, proper air circulation and a refreshing views are basic elements to have in a home … [+] PHOTO COURTESY OF JARED SMITH PHOTOGRAPHY, STYLEFILES.COM For most freelancers, the work-from-home situation is not the new normal. It is an intensified version of their everyday schedules, where the option […]

How Would You Make Your Employee’s Cubicles More Special?

office partition philippines

Office cubicles can be fun. Office cubicles can be entertaining and they can be the tiny home away from home but this is only possible when you take your office furniture and their placement seriously. There has to be a touch of “you” to it all. A lot of companies in the Philippines have begun […]

How Cubicles Can Enhance Work Productivity?

Office design is generally referred to as the creation of space that allows productive and purposeful work with creativity and customization. The design of the workplace is of utmost importance as it highly influences the type of work employees will do and is the guiding behavior at work. The office space in which your work […]

Some Easy Tips for Cleaning & Maintaining Office Furniture

plywood philippines

Your office is your second home and it is very important that you should spend a comfortable and relaxing time while at work. However, one of the most significant factors that could affect the overall growth and performance of your staff is the ambiance. It includes every single thing you have inside your office either […]

Making Room For Office In Your Home

Everyone wants a beautiful and super functional home office these days. They all look for better and more cost-effective ways to turn a part of their home or study or basement into an office space from where they can do all their business and conduct all important meetings and conferences. This is becoming a new […]

5 Strong Reasons To Pick Modular Furniture For Your Workplace

When you walk into someone’s office, the first thing you notice is their selection of furniture and the various fixtures that speak volumes about the reputation of the company. Right from cubicle placement and their choice of steel cabinets, their lounge chairs, and waiting room furniture, you notice everything. This is because these little yet […]

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